SO! As I said last time, I'd put J-popcon/my birthday up alone.. Like as a weekend, haha!
★ Friday(11th);
This was a very special day to me. No, not because it was 11.11.11 BUT because it was 8D (I turned 18, teehee)
I was awoken with singing and a candle (on no cake, haha!) buuut there was morning bread and cake on the table in the living room, so that was quite fine ;b

WEEEELL!! Let's quickly move onto present x'D (I'm really impatient about writing this blog, meh!)
First I opened Mimi's present for me:
It was Boy's Next Door! May just seem like a regular manga, but it's actually my FAVORITE manga that can not be bought anywhere in Denmark (and is super hard to find on the internet.. expensive too - as far as I know!)
Only problem? It was in German. We don't know why, but for some reason either Michelle or they made a mistake.. Since she had deleted the mail, there was really nothing we could do about it D:
OKAY. Next up is mothers present for meeeee:
A Pinkie Jr!
A tiny fine and nice computer.. I haven't used it though D: I don't like the way the system works ;_; sorry mom. I'll get used to it at some point and I absolutely love you for that very way-too-big-and-awesome-for-me present ♥ D:
We got delicious food! Hohoh, sandwich-ish-burger-ish-thingies.. Mine was actually from the place where you slaughter animals, which is really ironic.. But it's vegetarian? (Eggggggg 8D)
My dad actually came by to give me a gift! My savings ;D (I don't know what it's called, but like.. Putting money into an account untill the child turns either 18 or 21 and then giving those money to the chiiiild)
A LOT OF MONEY! I will not say how much, but trust me - it's a lot ;b
He ate cake with us and got some coffee.. And then we like talked and stuff x'D
I like that my mom and dad get along/can be in the same room and not fight (unlike the ones you see on TV, such drama! Poor children Dx)
As he left he said we should check our mailbox, and surely enough, I'd gotten a really nice birthday letter from his girlfriend Susan 8D
Next picture is a bit randomly placed, but didn't know where else to place it XD haha
I convinced my mom to buy me these chips. If you didn't know, they're my ABSOLUTE favorite. They just don't get better than that 8D (yup, I had a moment of spoiled-ness, but that's okay since it's only my birthday once a year and I only turn 18 once XD)
SO! At some point we took the bus and went to J-popcon, where we talked to people and hanged out. Not much to do there (ALL WEEKEND, J-popcon still sucks, but it have gotten better since last year, haha.. Probably just 'cause I talked to more people)
Best thing about this day? Meeting Geo! (she will be in a picture somewhere down below) she was in front of us in the incredibly long line, which actually means.. The line was the best part? XD (P.S. I have such cheater-friends who wanted to mash in with us in the line as opposed to my sisters cool friends who came over to talk and then by them selves went to the back of the line :b)
We talkeeeed with Geo. I'm skipping a lot in this- forward and backwards. Let's move onto the dinner!
PIZZA! It was by my request that we had to eat from this speciel little pizza spot. Only problem? A new guy was working there. Pizza was VERY disappointing!
In the midst of dinner we got RUDELY INTERRUPTED (jokejokejoke XD) by Miu, who came to give me a present! Tehehehehe
I got a slinky and a DVD I had to return 'cause we already have that (a piece of advise: My mom collects DVDs xD so it's hard to find one that we don't already have.. or like.. I don't know xD we have a LOT!)
I was still REALLY happy about it! Thank you so much Miuuuu! Super nice 8D
My goal this day was to get to take pictures with the people I wanted to take pictures with.. Didn't get to take with everyone on my birthday, but took the remaining ones on saturdaaaay (which we'll get to)
Click on the picture to make it big :b
I had not considered to take one with Michelle, but she wanted to cheer me up, so she asked me why I hadn't taken one with her, and if we weren't friends (in a very, very silly way, haha XD IloveyouMimi)
As we walked home I realised that it was fullmoon!
All in all a nice day that somehow disappointed me in some ways. Sounds cruel, but I felt like I was promised so much that I did not get D: (like: I will give you attention, we can go out to eat cake! Or something like that ._.)
Let's move onto next day =_=
★ Saturday(12th);
SO! This was the day of the cosplay show.. uhhhh D:
We got there an hour late xD they were fine with it an all, but still fell kinda.. fail for being late!
I'm not sure how much I should write about all this.. I remember we had to get off the bus to get more white hairspraycolourthingie and Michelle told me to come over to the other busstop and I was like: "AS LONG AS I DON'T HAVE TO RUN D:" because, guess what? I'd been having pain in my.. I think it was the right... leg.. Since.. maybe the wednesday or something? This REALLY held me back while I was on stage. Tried not to focus on it, but yeah.. Did my best; what can you do? I think the act went OK even though there OBVIOUSLY were mistakes x'D haha
We got there an hour late xD they were fine with it an all, but still fell kinda.. fail for being late!
I'm not sure how much I should write about all this.. I remember we had to get off the bus to get more white hairspraycolourthingie and Michelle told me to come over to the other busstop and I was like: "AS LONG AS I DON'T HAVE TO RUN D:" because, guess what? I'd been having pain in my.. I think it was the right... leg.. Since.. maybe the wednesday or something? This REALLY held me back while I was on stage. Tried not to focus on it, but yeah.. Did my best; what can you do? I think the act went OK even though there OBVIOUSLY were mistakes x'D haha
For dinnerrrrr---
---We got McD XD
I absolutely love Michelles photo x'D it's just so... I can't even describe it! Hahah xD
I absolutely love Michelles photo x'D it's just so... I can't even describe it! Hahah xD
At some point my friend called me and asked me to come to the cafe-thingie. I didn't know she would come or.. Like she'd called the night before and asked me where I was and stuff, but I didn't know she was there and I was in the middle of eating, so I was like "I have to goooo~"
THEN her boyfriend wrote to me on facebook and told me she was at J-popcon! LOLOL
THEN her boyfriend wrote to me on facebook and told me she was at J-popcon! LOLOL
We met her in the maidcafe, where she was sitting with some of her non-wristband-fellow-friends XD haha
She brought me a present!
An owl! A very nice necklace with a golden owl on it. You will not be able to ever realise how happy I was! It was just so wonderful ;_;! Thank you Liiiineeeeeeee
She brought me a present!
An owl! A very nice necklace with a golden owl on it. You will not be able to ever realise how happy I was! It was just so wonderful ;_;! Thank you Liiiineeeeeeee
Michelle bought some cake that we ate. Don't remember how it was, but I don't think it was very good? (it was expensive! Stupid maid cafe's xD)
A lot of people took pictures of us in our costume (and asked us who we were supposed to cosplay, haha!).. A lot = 4/5. It is. No one will usually like us enough to take pictures of us xD or rather me. I'm REALLY not used to it! I like it 8D totally brought up my spirit! (a lot more asked us about our cosplays though XD did not expect that, but it was super cool! + people apparently misunderstood our act, haha! Well, it's good to have your own.. feelings?.. about it XD make up your own story!)
Here's the pics with my friends (including one with my sister again, since it would be weirdly placed without her, haha! XD)
I'm not sure I have anymore to say about this day... It was super great? ;D
★ Sunday(13th);
I haven't written much in my calender on this day..
Even though we got there late, we got to play Anime Bingo! YAY
Even though we got there late, we got to play Anime Bingo! YAY
Didn't win anything, but it was a great amount of fun x)
We talked to people and stuff I can't really remember this day x'D haha uh
For luuunch we got:
We talked to people and stuff I can't really remember this day x'D haha uh
For luuunch we got:
Went home after the con had ended (obviously, hah!) didn't get to say goodbye to everyone.. which made me a little sad D: if you're my friend, you won't just leave without a goodbye! ;_; mahhhh (this happens to every con though, so.. yeah)
Pizza, roll-thingie-I-do-not-know-what's-called-in-english-that-I-really-wanted-to-but-actualaly-ended-up-not-liking D: friiiies and a can of cola, of course xD (it went along with the menu :b)
I ate stuff at home 8D and talked.. yeah that's it xD
// Weekly Mellie is out ♥