onsdag den 31. august 2011

AUGUST 2011 {15~28th}

Romeo moved outside to his new little home
He seemed a little "sad" at first, but now, I don't think he'd ever move back!
For dinner, we got noodles - made by me! Muhaha!

Michelle visited! We ate pizza and had fun!
Played singstar and stuff.. I won ALL songs, untill I lost one on purpose ('cause Michelle loved that song, and we were supposed to be done soon after that.. I'm such a good sister).. After that, I lost all the rest, except for the very last one..


Moved stuff around. Nearly didn't get any sleep, 'cause this guy had to get into ALL of our rooms, and paint the windows.. meh..
Went to an old (lost, as far as I thought before actually seeing it again) playground.

I went there like once or twice as a child, and it totally made a HUGE impression, but no one could tell me which it was, so when Michelle told me she'd found out, I was nearly dead of excitement! Had lotsa fun!

We had our "unhealthy" day here, instead of Saturday, 'cause I was going to do something else there. Felt amazing this day...

Summerparty where Michelle lives! Including; Nachos, jumping-thingy (hoppeborg, help me? XD), McD, popcorn, cake, cousins and so on.. xD


Tried washing my bloomers in Clorin. Michelle visited and had dinner with us!


Relaxed. Michelle visited and bought us chinese food! (THANKS!)

Relaxed.. lol..

Michelle visited. We sang and  stuff like that!

Unhealthy-day! Nom nom nom! We had such a cozy and awesome time, watching animated movies (Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, and Tangled :D)

Relaxed.. Tried fixing stuff.. Played the pink panther (old computer game) :D

SORRY for the lack of pictures in the second-part-thingy! I apparently hadn't taken much, and I'm pretty sure that if you're awesome, you already know what those cartoons+thepinkpanther game looks like! Teehee! xD

// Weekly Mellie is out!

tirsdag den 16. august 2011

AUGUST 2011 {8~14th}

★ Monday(8th);
★ Tuesday(9th);
Helped mom carrying boxes down to the basement
★ Wednesday(10th);
Relaxed, sowed
★ Thursday(11th); ★ Friday(12th);
★ Saturday(13th);
Lotsa good stuff with (lovely mom & great) movies(;Grown ups & Going the distance) and candles! It was so cozy and niiice~

★ Sunday(14th);
My grandpas birthday! We visited him at the graveyard and gave him white flowers. 71 years old! Happy biiirthday~
Michelle came home from her trip to berlin! Of course, since we live so close to the airport she came over to visit.. And gave us awesome souveniers!:
PFF, Mimi obviously know what a ballet-freak I am. Thank you so much for the gift again, it's super fantastic 8D Love you
Then.. We went to the cinema!

Captain America.. I liked the actors and the music.. The plotline was okay, and.. Yeah, it was okay all in all. Just too many "meh" moments, that made it seem like a parody-movie.. BEST PART: Trailer at the end!
Michelle ended up sleeping at our place, since the rain was horrible xD

~ Weekly Mellie is oouuut

fredag den 12. august 2011

AUGUST 2011 {1~7th}

★ Monday(1st);
Slept at Michelle's place

★ Tuesday(2nd);
Painted Romeo's "hutch";

★ Wednesday(3rd);
Visited my aunt and her children with my mother. Lots of fun! (even though her kids had DEFINITLY had too much sugar!)
Got to practice with my cousin 8D
Coloured my hair:

I got ready for Genkicon. Coloured my hair again (I was sure I'd taken more "before/after" pics, but I can't seem to find them. I am not sure the one above is the first after or the second. The hair was kinda yellow after the first colouring)

★ Friday(5th); ★ Saturday(6th); ★ Sunday(7th);
I was actually... Kinda disappointed. It totally did not at all live up to the expectations. Maybe I was expecting to much? Or maybe it was just better last year. I am now a SVSgirl ('cause convention this year was better than Genki.. and DUH better than J-popcon will ever be. No one can top J-popcon in how bad it is :b)
We competed a lot (my sister and I) and as far as we know, we only won once (where there was no price XD haha) but it was a fun game, so that's awesomeness. I really liked how easy it was to get food (and actually pretty good food, compared to other places) really can't believe how much those stupid assholes complained "It's not healthy enough" DUH, they even sold fruit!
Okay, this is getting too long XD I'll find a picture now, and then we'll call it a day.. week.. something XD
Best thing about Genki? Talking to old friends 8D Love you guys (the pic is not actually related to that, but we didn't take many pics)

- Weekly Mellie is out

tirsdag den 2. august 2011

I can't keep up!

It's been too long!!!
I have no idea where to start.. I think I'm just going to write all I've written on my cellphone (even though it isn't in any order.. MEH!)
I'll do my best to try and put it in order D:

Photoshoot with Michelle!

ProductionSchool? That's the basic translation. We visited it, and.. yeah.. Worked afterwards
Visited my aunt, god food and gave her birthday-presents (even though it wasn't a "real" birthday party)

"Ballet" with my cousin, visited Michelle, aaaaaand Sankt Hans!

Relaxed and ate nomnom-stuff 8D 
Sunday(26th); Was sewing, relaxed.
Shopping, went for a walk and so on.
Work - finished looking for deleted files on comp (my mother found a way to bring 'em back, even though the comp was restored! She's awesome! Love you)
Moved furniture outta my room, Michelle visited.. We ate icecream 8D and I cut my wigThursday(30th);
Went to Genki Big Meet//////
Worked, moved stuff.. Got hurt a LOT!
Saturday (2nd);

Got up early. Was sick. Trained with my cousin on the beach. Michelle came over later, and we went for a loong walk.
Went out with papers for the last time!!!
Did stuff at home.
Made costumes (for the HP premiere, which we ended up not using) - had a HP marathon! It was awesome. In that time, we ate;
A whole box of icecream, a bag of chips, crackers, a half pizza and a half sandwich (we shared), "flødeboller" (a whole package), 2 bags of popcorn, and a roulade-cake... XD

Slept from 14 'till 18 (had been up all night watching HP.. So.. Yeah XD) Relaxed.
Saw the last HP movie 8D (prt1, you know)
Relaxed, "glued" carpet on
Visited grandpa's place (he's dead, but since his wife is moving/has moved we got to look at the stuff she didn't want.. that's a long time ago though!) couldn't get into the basement. Michelle came over.
 HP premiere with Michelle! We walked ALL the way into the city.. in new shoes! Ouch! The movie was good ;D Slept at Michelle's place.
Went home, then to Kirstinehøj (shopping for stuff to fix the home) SILVAN SUCKS ASS! Was over there 'till dinner-time.
Thursday (14th);
Tried fixing everything all day...
Friday, Saturday, Sunday (15,16,17th);
LULO VISITED! It was awesome! We went for walks, made videos (check out LuloMellieTV on youtube!) saw Spiderman aaaaand ate lotsa unhealthy stuff.. TEEHEE

★ Monday(18th);
Went to my fathers place, and then straight to Bakken! Woop, Woop! We were there from 12 'till 20 and tried lots and lots of fun and awesome things 8D
Visited Michelle, bought fabric and was sewing (for J-popcon)
Went to Loli-meetup with Michelle to see Kristine ;D
Outfit.. Became half-way sick that day! D;
Was supposed to go to the city with my mother, but rain+sickness made us quit it..Friday(22nd);
Sickness. Michelle visited, I think..

still sick.. but omnomnomed anyways
Sick. Mom bought a new used computer (:
Sick. Relaxed.
Lunch at Susan(Dad's girlfriend)'s place, with my fathers part of the family. It was pretty chill 8D
 Michelle came over.
Visited Michelle, was sewing, ate..?
Omnomnom'ed (still sick, but not as much)
Moved stuff..? XD

Sorry for the lack of pictures at the end. Haven't taken many lately..
Gosh this took a looong time @_@
Hope you enjoyed!
// (Apparently monthly) Mellie