tirsdag den 21. juni 2011

JUNE 2011 {13~19th}

Monday (13th);
Chilled with mother and Michelle..

Tuesday (14th);

My sister and I had a deal to go shopping, then watch x-men first class (with the ticket she won for best dressed/costume at the premiere!).. Unfortunately (or should I say fortunately?) we couldn't BOTH watch the movie, even though we had something that made us able to watch a movie 2 persons for 1 price. We discussed it a lot, and ended up buying tickets for Source Code and x-men: first class!
 So no time for shopping!
We ate pizza, and then watched one movie after another (with a little bit of snacks.. nomnom)
 There were 30 minutes apart from one movie to another. I think they're both great!  BEST movies I've seen in a VERY long time! And I'm super much in love with Charles Xavier ... omg.. he's the most awesome thing ever! That arrogance.. that... nom nom nom! (normally I like the bad guys more, but not this time.. XD)
Thanks for watching awesome movies with me, Michelle!

Wednesday (15th);

I got a "vaccination"? Like the thing you get at the docter, where they inject a bit of the sickness you'll get immune (or somehow immune) of.. It was the last one of 3, and it hurt... A lot! But it was over quickly. I felt bad afterwards though, so it was a real shame I had to work. Luckily, I got to sleep like an hour before working.. By the way, yes, work usually is Tuesday and Friday.. but they moved it this time!

Thursday (16th);

Visited my dad! We talked, ate cake, ate icecream, I drawed.. We went out to the usual Chinese restaurent and ate good food! Thanks for the day, dad!
Afterwards, Michelle and I were really inspired, and wrote down both the sketch for Genki and for J-popcon! It's gonna be awesome!

Friday (17th);

Worked, relaxed.

Saturday (18th);

There were smaller yard-sales once again, but nothing worth buying.
This was the day my bunny scratched me for the first time! Oh, and even worse: He jumped out of his box!  
This is his new "cage" (he's unable to walk on the floor, so we don't have to restraint him like that. Originally we just gave him that tiny cage he's sitting in on the picture.. (like a last minute solution - it's our hamster's old cage) but my mother felt so bad for him, so she made him this huuuge paradise! He can run, sleep.. Whatever he wants!


YAY I UPDATED FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK!! I'm freeeeee (untill next week, damnit xD)

- Weekly Mellie is out

lørdag den 18. juni 2011

JUNE 2011 {10~12th}

Friday (10th);
OH and... Went for a walk with the beautiful little creature we've today (the day I'm updating) have owned for 2 weeks!
He certainly didn't make it easy for my mother- he liked to walk strange ways around the bench, making it almost impossible to keep up! It was very entertaining to watch, though... I love him!

Saturday (11th);
Unhealthy day! We ate lots of good stuff... 
The unusual thing about this exact saturday, was that we went to visit my sister ('cause my bike was parked at her place, and well.. We wanted to get it)
Many of you may not know (none of you actually), but I made a rule when my sister moved out - she could visit us any day, except satuday. I literally felt, she was taking all the time with my mother, and I got jealous and angry, so this concept came up - saturday is OUR day!

Sunday (12th);

That's all for last weekends blog!
Stay tuned!
- Weekly Mellie

fredag den 17. juni 2011

JUNE 2011 {6~9th} (++4th)

As I mentioned in the last entry; I will start with Saturday the 4th, and then jump over to Monday the 6th!

Saturday (4th); 
A little time after awaking, my mother and I went to a huuuuge yard-sale. My mother of course bought dvds, and it was a lot of fun. Weirdly as it may have seemed, I didn't get anything. I'm usually the one who gets.. Well at least something.. My mother felt kinda bad, but I was like: "It's okay, I don't want to be a spoiled brat whom has to get something everytime"
As we walked with our bikes, we looked at a sign we saw earlier: "Rabbits 75kr"
We both shortly looked inside, and my mother was like AWWH at the cutest little thingie ever! Honestly, it was so beautiful.. And tiny! We went along, and I SOMEHOW convinced her, that we should buy the rabbit! Yes, I got a bunny! My mother have always been against those ('cause they smell) BUT I GOT ONE!!!
At first we thought it was a female (that's what the seller said), but it turned out to be male (which is why it doesn't have a name even though we've had it for 2 weeks..)
There was a lot of fuss about everything! We got his cage, but he's right now living in a big box. The vet said he was 4 weeks old, and that they're usually sold when they're 8.. My mother thought he was 6 weeks old even after being told, though - 'cause he certainly seems REALLY healthy!
(Sorry for the long blabbing about him)
We bought the cage from my aunt (as she previously had a rabbit)
We got dinner at like.. 21? And not only a little bit, oh no! We got...
Deep Pan pizza, pommes frittes, pasta (to share) OM NOM NOM

And for the unhealthy day (chips etc.), we got:

Monday (6th);
My sister and I went to Bakken ♥  (a danish tivoli)
it was TONS of great fun! I really enjoyed all the rides, the icecream... Everything!
to top it off, guess what? Yes, Michelle bought tickets for CirkusRevyen (a comedy thingie) It was really expensive, and I totally appreciate it! Thank you for the trip, it was the most fun I'd had in a VERY long time!!
Sorry the Bakken-part was so short, but I really don't feel like writing a blog right now (plus the pictures are making fun of me D: ...)Thanks to my mom for making food for us, to eat while we were there (so we didn't have to buy lunch, for example)

Tuesday (7th);
When I was awoken, I was quickly told about an audition. I thought "what's the rush?" - it was later the same day. I didn't have much time to get ready. Michelle went with me for support. The first part was together with a lot of people. I was late (of course) so everyone looked at me weirdly. Second part was singing alone in front of 3 people. It was really weird. I was the last one, so I had to wait for HOURS! (luckily Michelle was there to make me laugh)
THANK YOU mother, for doing my job that day! You're the most awesome thing ever!

Wednesday (8th);
 I was rejected. Apparently, I wasn't talented enough to get into the school. Of course, she had to use 6 minutes, to tell me how I wasn't good enough. I just sat there quietly crying (so she couldn't hear me) trying to hold it back. My rabbit was kinda stuck under my hand (in a non-violent way, lol! I was rubbing it)
My mother called her afterwards, and I was told the reason I didn't get accepted wasn't because I wasn't good enough, but because I wasn't used to being around people (which they could see) plus I wasn't good enough on the dance level (I have two left feet, lol!) and well.. I needed more life-experience, apparently.

Thursday (9th);Relaxed

THE WEEKEND WILL COME LATER; I really don't feel like doing this right now, and it's late... so the weekend will come later.. Sorry!

søndag den 12. juni 2011


I know I didn't update last week... That was mostly because something "different" only happened on Saturday, so I thought I'd put Saturday in on this weeks blog.
Unfortunately, the only computer we have at home that can accept my SDcard (where photos are kept) is cruel. It's kind of dead. Blerfhg! So no update yet! Will remember to put up for all the days of this week though!

Oh yeah, and it's totally stupid of me to write all this, as I apparently only have one reader (Kristine - keep reading girl 8D)

See you~