søndag den 27. november 2011

NOV2011 {7~10th}

FOUND PHOTOS ON THE INTERNET (since I - again - didn't have any! Where did all my pictures goooo? D: ..)

★ Monday(7th);
Took a nap..
Should've done stuff I didn't =_= meh
Changed Romeo's cage!

★ Tuesday(8th);
Was ditched by my cousin.. Which made me stress out A LOT (she helped us with our act)
Got really angry, but I'm okay again, everything went.. almost well, so I suppose it's okay xD
Made the end of the rose (the thing it is on.. teehee)

★ Wednesday(9th);

Practiced with Mathilde! She created my last 2 "dances" (I had 3 all in all) and we practiced those quite a lot..
After that, we helped her with her english homework! ;D help for help, right?
We THEN went to the J-popcon coslay video shoot.. We failed terribly, but that's 'cause we thought they'd ask us questions (like last year) so we had to improvise xD pff..
Ate 3 homemade burgers, NOM NOM! (and excersized of course XD)
We ate icecream with our mom when we returned to my home 8D

★ Thursday(10th);
????? (wrote NOTHING in my calender.. lolol.. just found the picture above xD)
Pretty sure we prepared for J-popcon ;D and then we obviously ate delicious food.. tehehe~

I decided to make the weekend for itself, as it was my birthday/J-popcon 8D
Look forward to it next week!
// Weekly Mellie is out

fredag den 18. november 2011

OCT//NOV2011 {31~6th}

I want to apologize ahead for the lack of pictures! I'm sure I had some, but I just can't seem to find 'em =_=
★ Monday(31st);
Sowed another glove (which we ended up not using either XD haha)
Made a new dress-design. Maybe I'll show you the old and new one at some point?
Oh, and I played with Romeo! Cutest.Bunny.Ever!

★ Tuesday(1st);
Sick ._.
Got mobile phone covers and painted the glasses for our act..

★ Wednesday(2nd);
Dance-training with Mathilde!
I was late.. Mah -_- not my fault!!!
Didn't get to dance for long..
Visited our father.. Got pizza+childrens champagne+cola+cake+icecream XD

Trained with Michelle after that!
Aaand we tried on our costumes 8D

★ Thursday(3rd);
Danced with Mathilde from 14 to 15:30
Or.. This time, Mathilde was 10 minutes late.. Which wasn't as much as me, but I suppose that makes up for it XD
McD food! (we're cruuueel)
Went to Hubert's (my 6th and youngest cousin's) birthday 8D
He was sooo cute! His older sister was a terrorist though xD 4 years old! Congratz old dewd ;D pff
Oh and he got SO many Dinosaurs! (figurines, of course XD)

★ Friday(4th);
Didn't do much =_=

Sowed birthday bows!
Did more on the glasses
And, don't forget it was our namnam day ;D

We saw "Støv paa hjernen" & "Det støver stadigvæk"
Good movies! I love Dirch Passer 8D
And then I danced, but that's.. Something I did every night/day before J-popcon :b

★ Sunday(6th);
Went to the city with Mimi, to buy stuff for J-popcon!
Went to KBH, fields and then home..
We bought a gun, flower, makeup.. Maybe something more? I don't remember XD
Oh, and then we watched EMA!
Got Pizza & McD!

// Weekly Mellie is out

onsdag den 9. november 2011

OCT2011 {24~30th}

★ Monday(24th);
Michelle visiteeeeeed!
I cut her wig (for J-popcon, teehee.. Not quite the colour we wanted, but it turned out fineee)
Oh and we danced and trained and stuff 8D

★ Tuesday(25th);

Bought fabric and stuff (with Michelle, of course)
Worked out ~
OH! And we got McD food and æbleskiver! (christmas dessert/snack/something.. What's wrong with me? XD)

★ Wednesday(26th);
Sowed some alternative gloves for my costume.. Unfortunately, it just didn't go along..
Oh, and I made a bottle! XD (you're totally not gonna understand that sentence.. Pahaha!)

★ Thursday(27th);
Went to Michelles place to shop for my Halloween Birthday! At the mall, we met our aunt - Helle - and talked with her for a bit (about... YES YOU GUESSED IT; christmas -_- or not really.. it was more about visiting Tivoli for christmas, 'cause they'd have a russian theme XD)
THEN we met our mom (or we went to her) - she was bringing in my phone, 'cause it was misbehaving..
We decoraaaaaated a cake, and just had fuuun!
Aaand, mom came to Michelle's place when she was done and then we all ate chinese! Nam Nam!
(I WAS WONDERING WHY I COULDN'T FIND PICTURES OF THE FOOD ANYWHERE, AND THEN IT HIT ME; The pictures were taken on my mothers cell =_= mine was at the repair-thingy, remember?)

★ Friday(28th);
And there were 2 heart-shaped chocolate hearts! @w@
And a pretty caaard;
We decided to make this an all-nomnom weekend (which means we could eat unhealthy all days, instead of just one.. Teehee!)

★ Saturday(29th);
This was the day I celebrated my birthday with friends!
I was expecting a disaster.. I was soooo nervous, you can barely imagine.. But I think I might've just ended up having one of the most awesome birthdays ever 8D
THANKS TO MICHELLE (for lettin' us be at her place XD)
This was a Halloween-themed party! I dressed up as a Forest Nymph, Michelle was a Demoness, I think? Kathrine was a vampire (awesum!) andddd Miu was.... Well, not dressed up, but she had to go directly over there, so she didn't have time XD
I got some really cool presents 8D
From Michelle; A.. What's that called? Thingie where you have thins inside.. With a Hercules CD anddd... "Happy Birthdays" from people I really admired in a play (oh Dionysos and Amor.. nom nom!) AAND some friends! It was so cool! I almost started crying, and I was hyper the rest of the time XD listening to the music ON REPEAT!
The guests were running a bit late, but that was fine, 'cause that meant we could listen to the music a little longer.. 8D

From Kathrine I gotttt hair-stuff (3 thingies - cute bows and a feather XD I wish I was better at explaining what I meant in english xD but I've worn all 3 since then, so I REALLY LIKE THEM! They're so pretty! XD) and some Disney Princess stuff... it was super cool xD THANKS AGAIN!!!

Miu hadn't gotten my present with her, 'cause she had gone directly from the place she was before, to where she was then (: I got it at J-popcon! Thank you Miuuu!!

The rest of the evening we;
 AND DREW (a funny game! Brought out MANY laughs XD)

(sorry if this birthday part was confusing, but pictures were being evil and would not be placed as I wanted 'em to, so the text became very random 'cause I became VERY tired.. -_-)

★ Sunday(30th);
The 3rd nom nom day xD
Apparently this was the "official" cinema-day, so you could get in the cinema for half price! So we went in to see Tintin.. It was cool enough.. Best part was the half-animation.. Oh and loved Dupond&Dupont(?) and Snowy of course. It should be called "Snowy & Tintin" XD
I also watched "I kongens klæ'r" (old danish movie) which was pretty cool, teehee!
I felt sick ._.
(yup, I'm writing pretty much word for word at what I wrote in my calender XD I'm tired, okay?)
I also listened to the CD with my mother XD I don't think she got my fascination.. But I suppose you have to.. Have seen the musical itself? The songs are related to something greater.. I don't know XD
AAAAND we ate one heart!

Sorry for the REALLY late update! I hope to update again soon, but this site is not being kind when I try to (it takes over an hour to put pictures in itself... pff! Stupid =_=)
Enjoy yourselves ;D

// Weekly Mellie is out

tirsdag den 8. november 2011

OCTOBER 2011 {17~23rd}

★ Monday(17th);
I'm not allowed to write anything in public about this day. I can say it wasn't very good. Stupid people didn't give shit chance.. But it's okay, 'cause I stepped over a limit of my own and really feel like I kinda accomplished something...

★ Tuesday(18th);
I haven't written anything in my calender, except the fact that I ate risengrød .. No idea what that's called in english, but it's something you usually eat at christmas..
I just felt like it, okay! xD
(Stupid christmas btw. It's supposed to start like.. end november! Not mid october -_-)

★ Wednesday(19th);
Went to Tivoli with Michelle!;
It's was soooooooooo awesome!!!
I've really been pushing away the fact that I should update my vlog, because I didn't know what to write for this day! There was just too much awesomeness! So I decided that I'd let the pictures speak for themselves.. 

(btw, this was for watching the halloween decorations and performances, which is why we put blood around our mouths - haha!)

RANDOM stuffFfffff; 
Rasmus Kluuump;
Thank you sisterrrr!
We got to watch EVERY "performance" they made..
Personal fave? Kassander Elsker Penge.. XD

★ Thursday(20th);
Sowed all day with Michelleeeh
We got to make the crinoline! (am I supposed to tell you all that much? Oh well, not many people read this blog anyways XD)

Got home ~

★ Friday(21st);
OH!! And my friend wrote to me at night, admittin' she was the one sending the letter (I must've written about the letter I couldn't open before I was 18 somewhere on here, right??)
Guess what? It was a misunderstanding. LOL!
So I opened it 8D THANKS FOR THE LETTER NECOCO. You're the best Robo-cat ever! ejgpejegojeg

★ Saturday(22nd);
Nom nom day!
Watched Tron ~ which wasn't as good as people had said. Stupid people.. Or not xD but anyways..

I ate Risalamande (Christmas stuff again) and guess what? It contained gelatine! Died a little inside.. But didn't cry!
Moved a step closer to being a non vegetarian ;D (p.s. I wrote something like this on facebook, and my aunt thought I wasn't vegetarian anymore -_-)

★ Sunday(23rd);
Celebrated my mothers birthday with the family!
(Oh, I wanna apologize ahead, between.. This was very rushed writing - I feel tired after all that editing-pictures-for-the-tivoli-part -_-)
At a turkish restaurent. Not the best food I've ever gotten.. I admit it.. but it was oookay
We chatted - a lot - and ate.. and had fuunnnn!
My mother of course also got a presenttttttttt;
500KR + some coins aaaaand drawings from the little ones....
Hubert's grass was really well done (yup, he drew grass.. ONLY grass.. But I don't blame him, he just turned.. Uh.. 4?)
On the other hand, Rosa's drawing was.. Uh... Well...
I'm sad I can't show you a picture of it, I don't have one..
Lemme tell you what happened:
Us: Talking about how shitty it it that christmas is everywhere already
Mom: opens present
Drawing: Christmas tree.
Really Rosa, really? XD I'm sorry, but we couldn't help to laugh.. Really hard.. She's only 6, so she didn't get it XD BUT IT WAS FUNNY!! XD
AFTER EATING, we went to our aunts place ('cause it is really close to that restaurent)
We cake and hot chocolate.. And talked! 
 It was pretty nice ~~ 8D
I'm not sure what else to write.. I'm sorry it got so messy at the end!
I love you mom! I hope you had a great day/week/month ;D

// Weekly Mellie is out