★ Monday(8th);
★ Tuesday(9th);
Helped mom carrying boxes down to the basement
★ Wednesday(10th);
Relaxed, sowed
★ Thursday(11th); ★ Friday(12th);
★ Saturday(13th);
Lotsa good stuff with (lovely mom & great) movies(;Grown ups & Going the distance) and candles! It was so cozy and niiice~ ♥
★ Sunday(14th);
My grandpas birthday! We visited him at the graveyard and gave him white flowers. 71 years old! Happy biiirthday~ ♥

Michelle came home from her trip to berlin! Of course, since we live so close to the airport she came over to visit.. And gave us awesome souveniers!:

PFF, Mimi obviously know what a ballet-freak I am. Thank you so much for the gift again, it's super fantastic 8D Love you ♥
Then.. We went to the cinema!
Then.. We went to the cinema!
Captain America.. I liked the actors and the music.. The plotline was okay, and.. Yeah, it was okay all in all. Just too many "meh" moments, that made it seem like a parody-movie.. BEST PART: Trailer at the end!
Michelle ended up sleeping at our place, since the rain was horrible xD
~ Weekly Mellie is oouuut
Michelle ended up sleeping at our place, since the rain was horrible xD
~ Weekly Mellie is oouuut
Update update :D